
Yutaka Masuda

February 2020

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Re-use of past programs is a good practice to reduce the development cost. Such programs should be an excellent shape to be easily used in other program units. External functions and subroutines are reusable, but the additional description of the correct interface is required. Also, there is an issue when some variables and constants should be shared with program units; there is a primitive syntax to do it, but it is old-fashioned and not recommended. Instead, it would be best if you used a module. A module in Fortran is a collection of variable, procedures, and interfaces which are easily used in any program units.

Basic features

Definition of module

A Fortran module is a program unit (like program, function, and subroutine). The module is defined with the module statement. The structure looks like the main program. Here is a small example of defining a module.

module mymod
   implicit none
   real,parameter :: pi=3.1415926
   real :: number_of_traits=0


function mean(x) result(m)
   real,intent(in) :: x(:)
   real :: m
   m = sum(x)/size(x)
end function mean

end module mymod

It defines a constant pi, a variable number_of_traits (with the initial value is 0), and a function mean. When using this module in the main program (or any program units), all the variables and the function will be immediately accessible. To use this module, you should use the use statement, which should be at the beginning of the program unit.

program main
   ! at the top of program
   use mymod

   ! put implicit none and variables after the use statement
   implicit none
   real :: x(5)=[1,2,3,4,5]

   ! You can use anything defined in the module without any declaration.
   print *,sqrt(2*pi)
   number_of_traits = 10
   print *,mean(x)
end program main

You can see how a module is defined and how it is used.

The procedures can access all variables defined in the module (above contains). The module is useful to unify some variables and procedures that use the variables.

Shared variables

When a module is used in different program units, the variables in the module will be shared. The shared variable is also called a public variable. It means that using a variable in the module, when one program changes the variable, this change is effective in all programs that use the module. See the following example.

subroutine set_num_traits(n)
   use mymod
   integer,intent(in) :: n
   number_of_traits = n
end subroutine set_num_traits

program main
   use mymod
      subroutine set_num_traits(n)
         use mymod
         integer,intent(in) :: n
      end subroutine set_num_traits
   end interface
   print *,number_of_traits
   call set_num_traits(5)
   print *,number_of_traits
end program main

The variables defined in a module are kind of global variables that can be universally accessible from all programs that use the module.

Order of compilation

A restriction of the module is that the module should be compiled before the programs that use the module. For example, the following program structure is required if all the program units are in the same file. This is because a compiler should perform the consistency checks in all the defined variables and procedures between the module and the program units that call it.

! The module comes first.
module mymod
end module mymod

! The program calling the module.
program main
   use mymod
end program main

If the order changed, the compiler could not find the information about the module, and the compilation error should occur.

You can see that a new file is created when a module is compiled. The file ends with .mod which contains the details about this module. The compiler searches this file to check if the module has been already compiled. So, the file should stay in the same directory (or accessible directories by the compiler) as the source file.



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Advanced usage of the module

Selective imports

By default, the use statement imports all objects (variables and procedures) defined in the module. If you want to use a specific object, the only option can do this job. The following example imports only pi and mean from the module.

program main
   use mymod, only:pi,mean
end program main

The name of the imported object should not be the same as the variable names in the program unit. You can change the name of the imported object in only as follows.

new_name => original_name

Here is an example of name change: average refers to mean.

program main
   use mymod, only:pi,average=>mean
end program main

The selective import is always recommended when you use a module unless you need all the objects in the module.

Private and public objects

All the objects defined in a module can be imported by default. In other words, the objects have the implicit public attribute. You can make some objects private. The private objects are visible only within the module; the procedures in the module can access to such private objects.

Two statements, public and private specify the attribute of objects. The statements should stay before contains.

module mymod
   implicit none
   real,parameter :: pi=3.1415926
   real :: number_of_traits=0

   public :: pi,mean
   private :: number_of_traits


function mean(x) result(m)
   real,intent(in) :: x(:)
   real :: m
   m = sum(x)/size(x)
end function mean

end module mymod

You can use the following simplified statements.

! All objects are public by default; only number_of_traits is private.
private :: number_of_traits

The private attribute can also useful to declare a private variable.

module mymod
   implicit none
   real,parameter :: pi=3.1415926
   real,private :: number_of_traits=0
end module mymod



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Intrinsic module

As intrinsic functions like sqrt(), there are several intrinsic modules defined in the Fortran standard. The following modules are available by default in recent compilers supporting Fortran 2003 or later.

Name Description
iso_fortran_env Definition of useful constants
iso_c_binding Functions and constants needed to use external C functions
ieee_arithmetic Treatment of special values in floating-point arithmetic

You can simply use such modules as a regular module with use. A better practice is to indicate the module is intrinsic using attribute intrinsic; you have to use :: to list the module name.

program main
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
end program main

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