Practical genomic analysis

Yutaka Masuda

September 2019

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Quality control of SNP markers

Basic quality control options

The genomic module performs the quality control of SNP markers. This process removes unqualified markers and genotyped animals from the original data. The genomic module supports a variety of options for the quality control of markers. The following options change the behavior of the genomic module.

Save cleaned genotypes

The following option saves the cleaned marker information to files. By default, this option is off and the cleaned genotypes will not be saved.

OPTION saveCleanSNPs

This option generates 4 new files. We assume snpfile as a marker file.

Turn off the quality control

By default, the program performs quality control. The following option skips the quality control process completely. Some statistics related to quality control may still be calculated.

OPTION no_quality_control

All the markers and genotyped animals will be retained even if they have obvious error or issues. This option is useful especially when all the markers have already been quality-controlled.

Detailed quality control options

The following table shows useful options for this purpose. Some options have additional arguments but you can omit them. If you omit the arguments, the default values are used. Some details will not be checked. See the Default column in the following table. A detailed explanation for each option can be found in the official manual.

Option name Default Possible arguments Description
minfreq x Enable \(0 \leq x \leq 1\) (default:x = 0.05) Minimum allele frequency to retain the marker
callrate x Enable \(0 \leq x \leq 1\) (default:x = 0.90) Minimum call rate for markers
callrateAnim x Enable \(0 \leq x \leq 1\) (default:x = 0.90) Minimum call rate for animals
monomorphic x Enable 0 or 1 (default:1) Remove monomorphic markers
hwe x Skip any real values (default:x = 0.15) Maximum deviation of heterozygote frequency from expected
high_correlation x y Skip \(-1 < x\), \(y < 1\) (default: x = 0.025 and y = 0.995) Prune highly correlated markers
verify_parentage x Enable 0,1,2 or 3 (default:3) Check the Mendelian coherence of parent and offspring
exclusion_threshold x Enable \(0 < x < 100\) % (default:x = 1%) Acceptance percentage of Mendelian coherence
exclusion_threshold_snp x Enable \(0 < x < 100\) % (default x = 20%) Acceptance percentage of Mendelian coherence
number_parent_progeny_evaluation x Enable integer value (default:100) Minimum number of tests for Mendelian coherence
threshold_duplicate_samples x Enable \(-1 < x < 1\) (default:x = 0.9) Check too high genomic relationships (duplicate samples)
threshold_diagonal_g x Enable real value (default:x = 1.6) Check too high genomic inbreeding
thrWarnCorAG x Enable \(-1 < x < 1\) (default:x = 0.50) Warning: low resemblance \(\mathbf{A}_{22}\) and \(\mathbf{G}\)
thrStopCorAG x Enable \(-1 < x < 1\) (default:x = 0.30) Error: low resemblance \(\mathbf{A}_{22}\) and \(\mathbf{G}\)
thrCorAG x Enable \(-1 < x < 1\) (default:x = 0.02) Which values of \(\mathbf{A}_{22}\) will be considered for the above

Extra options for quality control

The following options provide extra information from quality control.

Option name Default Possible arguments Description
chrinfo file Skip characters Specify the chromosome map file
excludeCHR n1 n2 Skip integer values Specify the chromosome numbers to be excluded from quality control
sex_chr n Skip integer value Specify the number for the sex chromosome in the marker file
plotpca Skip none Plot the first two principal components of \(\mathbf{G}\)
outcallrate Skip none Save the call rate information on SNP markers in the file

Numerical example for quality control


We will examine the quality control with a small example including unqualified markers and animals. The following files will be used in this section.

11 ID002
15 ID003
12 ID004
2 ID006
5 ID010
7 ID011
8 ID012
9 ID013
1 ID015

The original SNP file is also prepared.

ID002 12120201110012112120001020012020222011120001100201020110010122121101221000012101
ID003 15120251111512112211105021012021521121110005110112111010051011111112225001100110
ID004 22220202001101222101210011000222211021110000100112020200020022220002220000201200
ID006 21220201011002211211112121001121111122120001010122111110012012111120221002012201
ID010 21111211011112101212111122102020212112110001100212111110011012111011221001112210
ID011 22111212001211112202110112101121211112010001200112020200020022220002220000212210
ID012 22220202001101222101210011000222211021110000100112020200020022220002220000201200
ID013 21220201012101211212221012001121221022120000100122111110011012111011221001102200
ID015 21220201012101211212221012001121221022120000100122111110011012111011221001102200

This marker file is the same as the previous chapter except that there are many missing genotypes in the animal ID003. This animal is expected to be removed during quality control.

The data file is as follows.

 3.0 1 1 1.0  2
 2.0 1 2 1.0  6
 4.0 1 1 2.0  8
 6.0 2 2 2.0  3
 3.0 2 1 1.0  5
 6.0 2 2 2.0  9
 6.0 3 1 2.0  4
 6.0 3 2 1.0  7
 8.0 3 1 1.0 10
 4.0 3 2 2.0  1

Here is the pedigree file.

1 7 5 1 0 2 1 0 0 ID015
13 17 18 3 0 0 0 0 2 ID004
11 17 19 3 0 0 0 0 1 ID005
2 16 18 3 0 0 1 0 1 ID006
3 12 11 1 0 2 1 2 0 ID007
4 14 13 1 0 2 1 0 1 ID008
5 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 ID010
6 12 15 1 0 2 1 1 0 ID009
7 3 13 1 0 2 1 3 0 ID011
8 7 4 1 0 2 1 0 0 ID012
14 16 19 3 0 0 0 1 0 ID001
9 7 5 1 0 2 1 0 1 ID013
12 17 18 3 0 0 0 2 0 ID002
10 6 9 1 0 2 1 0 0 ID014
15 16 18 3 0 0 0 0 1 ID003

We will use the following parameter file for PREGSF90. The program will save the cleaned genotypes as well as call-rate information. We put a loose criterion for several options because of the small data. For example, we put a low call-rate criterion and relax the criterion for the correlation between \(\mathbf{G}\) and \(\mathbf{A}_{22}\). It is just a demonstration, so do not use such low values in the real data set.

# BLUPF90 parameter file created by RENF90

  2         3 cross
  3         2 cross
  4 1 cov
  5        15 cross
OPTION SNP_file snpqc1.txt snpqc1_XrefID.txt
OPTION callrate 0.80
OPTION thrStopCorAG 0.10
OPTION outcallrate
OPTION saveCleanSNPs

Resulting files

You will see the following results.

You also find there is the file GimA22i. What values does it have? The following is the dump of this file.

-0.335  0.000  -0.161 -0.421 -0.091  0.405  -0.329   0.265   0.265
 0.000  0.000   0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
-0.161  0.000  10.624 -0.101  0.614  0.005 -11.035  -0.144  -0.144
-0.421  0.000  -0.101  0.212 -0.018  0.537  -0.154  -0.342  -0.342
-0.091  0.000   0.614 -0.018  0.773 -2.964   1.684   0.291   0.291
 0.405  0.000   0.005  0.537 -2.964  0.064  -0.796   1.421   1.421
-0.329  0.000 -11.035 -0.154  1.684 -0.796  11.503  -0.587  -0.587
 0.265  0.000  -0.144 -0.342  0.291  1.421  -0.587  20.186 -20.738
 0.265  0.000  -0.144 -0.342  0.291  1.421  -0.587 -20.738  20.186

You can see this file has \(9 \times 9\) matrix and the second animal is not actually removed from \(\mathbf{G}^{-1}-\mathbf{A}_{22}^{-1}\). This matrix was calculated based on the cleaned markers keeping rows and columns corresponding to removed animals. The program just filled 0 in such rows and columns. This is technically identical to use reconstructed relationship matrices calculated from the cleaned marker file.

When you invoke genomic module from the application programs (BLUPF90, AIREMLF90, GIBBSF90, etc.), the above GimA22i will be directly used in the analysis. When you use PREGSF90, be careful when you use this GimA22i file. This file still corresponds to the original marker and cross-reference file, not to the cleaned files. For instance, if there is one animal that has been excluded by quality control, this animal is still present in GimA22i file (filled with 0 for all related elements). This situation really confuses the user. There is also another issue. If you want to have the final matrix (\(\mathbf{G}^{-1}-\mathbf{A}_{22}^{-1}\)) from the cleaned genotypes, it is a waste of time to compute the matrix retaining unqualified objects.

Better practice for quality control

We suggest a user follow a protocol for quality control of markers.

  1. Perform only the quality control, and save the cleaned genotypes with PREGSF90.
  2. Run PREGSF90 again to calculate and save the relationship matrices using the cleaned marker files.
  3. Run an application program for your favorite analysis.

To be short, our suggestion is to do the creation of cleaned files as a separate step. This means you need a different parameter file in each step (3 parameter files needed in total). In spite of more effort, the above procedure can avoid the confusion raised from the removal of markers and animals during quality control.

There is another software, QCF90 (quality-control-F-90), which supports non-renumbered files. This tutorial does not cover the usage of QCF90. When QCF90 is used, the process will be

  1. Perform quality control and output the cleaned genotypes with QCF90.
  2. Run PREGSF90 to calculate and save the relationship matrices using the cleaned marker files.
  3. Run an application program for your favorite analysis.

If you want to create the cleaned files only, in other words, if you want to skip all subsequent steps after the creation of the cleaned files, the following options are helpful.

OPTION createA22 0           # doesn't create A22
OPTION createA22Inverse 0    # doesn't compute A22-inverse
OPTION createG 0             # doesn't create G
OPTION createGInverse 0      # doesn't compute G-inverse
OPTION createGimA22i 0       # doesn't compute (G-inv - A22-inv)

With these 5 options, the correlation between \(\mathbf{G}\) and \(\mathbf{A}_{22}\) will not be calculated. You can calculate such statistics using the cleaned files.

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